Islamic Reformation and Political Revolution in India (18th - 20th Century)
Christian O. Uchegbue
Gender and Poverty in Nigeria: A Sociological Explanation
Okoroafor C. U and Nwadiaro E. C. C
The Criticality of Quality Management in Building Corporate Resilience in a Post Recession Period
Simmy M. Marwa, Kay Hooi Keoy, Choon Ling Kwek and Padzil Hassan
Iranian Social Rap Music, the Developed Individuality of the Youth
Ali Delavar and Flora Forooghiyan
Technical, Economic and Allocative Efficiency of Microfinance Borrowers and Non-Borrowers: Evidence from Peasant Farming in Bangladesh
K.M. Zahidul Islam, Stefan Bäckman and John Sumelius
A Clash of Past and Present: Citizenship Education in Nigeria's Junior Secondary School Curriculum
Biodun Ogunyemi
Conceptual Analysis of Behavioral Theories/Models: Application to Financial Behavior
Emine Ozmete and Tahira Hira
Legal Protection of Industrial Designs and Models in Jordan: Symptoms and Solutions
Basem M. Melhem and Haitham A. Haloush
The Effect of using Response-based Strategy for Teaching English Poetry on the Jordanian University Students' Achievement
Amaal Al- Masri and Salem Al Sharaideh
An Investigation of Interlingual Interference in the use of 'and' as a Syntactic Coordinating Structure by Jordanian EFL Learners
Mohammad Hamad Al-Khresheh
Computer Attitude as a Function of Gender, Type of School Mathematics Anxiety and Mathematics Achievement
Tahira Khatoon and Sadia Mahmood
A Review of Political Caricatures before and after the Islamic Revolution of Iran
Majid Majdnia and Mohammad Fadavi
Salary Satisfaction as an Antecedent of job Satisfaction: Development of a Regression Model to Determine the Linearity between Salary Satisfaction and Job Satisfaction in a Public and a Private Organization
Jai Prakash Sharma and Naval Bajpai
Relationship between Perceived Employer Branding and Intention to Apply: Evidence from Pakistan
Khurram Shahzad, Asma Gul, Khurram Khan and Rabia Zafar
The Ethics of Tax Evasion: A Study of Turkish Tax Practitioner Opinion
Robert W. McGee, Serkan Benk, Halil Yıldırım and Murat Kayıkçı