An Investigation of the Effects of Paraphrasing as an Reading
Comprehension Strategy on the Achievement of Iranian EFL Learners' Vocabulary Knowledge
Mitra Taghinezhad Vaskeh Mahalleh and Nader Assadi Aidinlou
This study aimed to study the effects of paraphrasing on Iranian English language learners’ Vocabulary learning. To do so, 60 Iranian English language learners’ at intermediate level were randomly selected for the study. They were randomly divided into one experimental and one control group. In order to get assurance as to the homogeneity of the learners they were pre-tested and a same test was repeated as post-test after 9 weeks. Both groups were taught some new words but only experimental group received paraphrasing strategy during the treatment sessions. Detailed analysis revealed that, there was a significant difference between experimental and control groups on developing Iranian EFL learner's vocabulary knowledge.
Keywords: Language Learning Strategies, Paraphrasing, Vocabulary Learning.
Wooden Carving Buddha Image Sculpture: Aesthetics and
Relations to People’s Way of Life in Luang Prabang, Lao’s People Democratic Republic, Amidst Globalization
Niras Srikhaowros
This study of Wooden Carving Buddha Image Sculpture: Aesthetics and Relations to People’s Way of Life in Luang Prabang, Lao’s People Democratic Republic, amidst Globalization is aimed to find the aesthetics and relations of wooden carving Buddha images to people’s way of life in Luang Prabang. The study revealed that the aesthetics of wooden carving Buddha image sculptures in Luang Prabang were produced, by the present and ancient craftsmen, with mainly the faith they were having towards Buddhism, as well as the support under government’s policy in each period. The craftsmen are divided into 3 groups; Royal Craftsman Group, Villager Craftsman Group, and Modern Craftsman Group. In addition, it was found that the relations between wooden carving Buddha images and people’s way of life amidst globalization were those of social, political, administrative, economic, belief, art and culture, benefits, academic institutes and other type of institutes. Such relations resulted in the aesthetic forms and amount of wooden carving Buddha image sculpture in Luang Prabang in the present and future.
Keywords: Buddha image, wooden image, aesthetic, way of life, globalization.
The Jordanian Legislator Role in Reducing the Phenomenon of Use of the Drugs
Mohammed Mouse Awad al Swelmein
The role of the Jordanian legislator in reducing drug abuse introduce the reasons that lead to drug abuse and hazardous materials from the perspective of the of drug adducers themselves in Jordan, Jordan has been selected as a intentional sample, and the researchers developed a tool of study with the continent psychometric characteristics (validity and reliability), this study came in an attempt to answer the following questions:
That the social status (unmarried) has a positive impact on drug abuse and hazardous materials, as is indicated by the results there is no statistically significant differences for reasons of addiction attributed to the place of residence, the researcher recommended that there is a need to conduct further studies on the phenomenon of addiction; and linked to other variables such as qualification to the addict, type of material frequently used by drug addicts.
1. What is the role of the Jordanian legislator in reducing the phenomenon of serious drug use?
2. Is there a sign between drug use and the age of addict?
3. Is there a relationship between drug use and marital status?
4. Is there a relationship between drugs and the place of residence?
Keywords: Abuse, Addictive, Hazardous Materials, Jodran.
Hmong Music in Lao People’s Democratic Republic: It’s Music and Change
Suwit Wichat
The qualitative study of Hmong Music in Lao People’s Democratic Republic: Its Music and Change aims to find the history, current status and music and Hmong musical change in Lao PDR. Data collection was held in 2012 in LuangPrabang, Xiang Kwang, and Vientiane. The history of Hmong people was apparent in 2 forms; Hmong legend or folktales, and Hmong music related to ethnic history. The history of Hmong music started from Qin dynasty period. Hmong migrated into Laos in 18 A.D. Hmong music has ordinary rhythm that is found in Dra playing, played in funerals, and in the spiritualistic ritual of Ua neeb which is the playing of Juuneeb and Duuneeb. They rhythm is aboutexpressing/drawing out the ending notes and will stop at the end of the sentences. The vocals are in minor scales which are found in the group of Am and Dm. The changing modernization, economic status, society and culture have all also impacted the musical forms of Hmong people. This study will be beneficial for creating the understanding of arts and culture in Hmong music in this country from then till now.
Keywords: Music, Hmong, Lao’s People Democratic Republic, Musical Forms, Musical Change.
Educational Model Promoting Ethical Wise-Thought Skills in First-Year Students of Sirindhorn College of Public Health, Phitsanulok Province, Thailand
Jitti Nisayan
The objectives of this research and development work were to: 1) examine ethical wise-thought skills in first-year students at Sirindhorn College of Public Health, Phitsanulok; 2) create a model to promote ethical wise-thought skills among the students; and 3) evaluate the effects of the model in improving the students’ ethical wise-thought skills. Research processes consisted of four stages: 1) analysis of ethical wise-thought skills; 2) design and creation of educational model according to the college philosophy; 3) implementation; and 4) evaluation of effectiveness of the model.
Forty-two students of Public Health Certificate Course, major in Technical Pharmacy, were selected for the study. Research tools consist of 1) questionnaire for evaluating ethical wise-thought skills, 2) course syllabus and lesson plan for moral and ethical subjects, 3) handbook for life rally activity, and 4) questionnaires for assessing Satisfaction with the model. Data collection was conducted between April 2012 and December 2013. Data analyses were performed using descriptive statistic, paired t-test and content analysis.
From the results, we found that the educational model for promoting ethical wise-thought skills consisted of the following factors: 1) moral and ethical curriculum offered to the students, applied from the Principle of Buddhism regarding mindful of wisdom concept. This concept consisted of four topics including truth of life, other’s lives, wisdom learning, and tiny paper helps friends; and 2) life rally activity. Results showed that the mean of ethical wise-thought skills in the students after implementing the model was significantly higher than that before using the model (P < 0.05). Satisfaction levels toward the model were high.
The study suggested that the model should be developed and implemented on students from all courses. Moreover, evaluation of the model development should be done consistently.
Keywords: Ethical wise-thought, Students, Public Health College, Promoting form of thought, Principle of Buddhism.
Challenges and Prospects of Psychology in Nigeria
Philip C. Mefoh
This paper reflected on the fifty years of psychology in Nigeria. Despite being a relatively young discipline and in difficult circumstances, psychology has contributed immensely to Nigeria’s national life. Two visible areas that psychology had made the most impact to national development are psychological research and manpower development. The paper also highlighted some challenges and prospects of psychology in Nigeria. The analysis aimed to inspire psychologists to outline strategies for strengthening the discipline in the years ahead. The age-long perception of psychology as irrelevant by the general population has started to change; people now seemed to appreciate the utility of psychology to nation building. This paper concluded that psychology in Nigeria hold good opportunities and potentials for future development.
Keywords: International Psychology, Nation Building, Nigerian Psychological Association, Psychology in Nigeria.
The Applicable Law to the Parentage in the International Private Relations
65-74 |
Khaldoun Saed Saleh Qtaishat and Mohammad Ashraf" Khalid Ali Al- Qheiwi
In this study, the researchers explore the problem of the applicable law to parentage in the international private relations. In this article, the researchers focus on the legitimate and illegitimate filiation, they explore the issue of the law applicable to legal filiation as it is result of the marriage contract and as it a component of civil status.
They also examine the law applicable to illegitimate filiation as an element of civil status exclusively. They also study the problematic of public order when applying foreign law on illegitimate filiation in light of the provisions of the Jordanian Constitution.
The researchers conclude their research with findings and recommendations that they hope the Jordanian legislator to take them into account in the Jordanian law.
Keywords: Conflict of laws, parentage, legitimate filiation, illegitimate filiation.
Motivation to Learn Statistics among Students in the Faculty of Educational Sciences at Mutah University
Raji Awad Assaraierh and Abdel Raouf Hamid Al Yamani
The purpose of this study was to determine the levels of motivation to learn statistics and compare the levels of motivation to learn statistic of the discipline in general and according to their gender difference, moreover to examine the relationship between aspects of motivation to learn statistic and academic achievement in statistic courses. Participants in the study are composed of (100) graduate students (39 male, 61 female) and (150) undergraduate students (60 male, 90 female) students from Faculty of Educational Sciences. The results of the study showed that the students have high motivation to learn statistic in general. In addition, the results reveal that there were significant differences between graduate and undergraduate students' in the aspects of motivation to learn statistics, while there were no statistically significant differences between graduate and undergraduate students' in the (AX) aspect. Moreover, the result of the study shows that there were no significant differences in (AX) aspect of motivation to learn statistics, but for other aspects, there were statistically significant differences between male and female in the means for the levels of motivation to learn statistics. Finally the results show the six motivational aspects are significant positively and moderately correlated with AESS.
Keywords: Intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, personal relevance, self determination, self-efficacy, assessment anxiety.
Development of Indigenous Handicrafts through Creative Economy Concept: Vientian, Laos
Duangjan Nachaisin, Soranart Sinuraibhan and Wathanyu Neadsanga
The objective of this thesis was to study histories and actual conditions in order to invent the guidelines on traditional handicraft development using the idea of creative economic in Vientiane Prefecture, the Lao People's Democratic Republic. The research tools used in the study were questionnaires, interview forms, and evaluation forms for opinions of the identity of the traditional handicraft acquired from focus group discussions. Then, the analysis was conducted by comparing the data.
For the actual conditions of the traditional handicrafts in Laos, it has been found among the growth of 73 traditional handicraft market that most products (60%) are imported while the rest are domestically made by local people. That comes up with 4 key changes in the histories of the traditional handicrafts, 1) the age of cultural foundation of “the New Economic Mechanism”, 2) the age of Lao traditional handicraft image, 3) the age of economic development with the coordination from the government on Lao traditional handicrafts, and 4) the age of new handicraft market heading toward global economic. There are 120 kinds of traditional handicrafts produced by 6 handicraft groups which have been categorized by the Lao Handicraft Association. Sixty percent of the traditional handicrafts are textile products, 8% are silver jewelry, 10% are non-timber forest products and wooden products, 10% are recycled products from plywood and wastes, 2% are pottery products, and 10% are local handcrafts and cultural products.
The result of the research on the traditional handicraft development using the idea of creative economic is the invention of new product models. The actual cultural capital has been analyzed for its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT analysis) via focus group discussions for the methods of product presentation. The first method is the background information of the groups, the second one are the craftsmen’s production process and skills which cannot be copied, and the third are the colors, the patterns, the distinctions among the same kinds of products, and the creativity acquired from personal experiences. These methods have been used in the operation of the body of knowledge and the focus group meeting, which are the key substance in the body of knowledge of the creative economic idea.
Keywords: Local handicraft, Creative economy.
The Projection of Thailand’s Long Term Economic Growth,
Associated Structural Change, and Energy Consumption Driven by Fixed Land Supply
Sompote Kunnoot
Given the ecological limit from fixed land supply, the projection of Thailand’s 20 year economic growth, using the180 sectors computable general equilibrium model, was intended to find structural change and associated distribution of oil use across economic sectors. The structural change was characterized by unequal growth of economic sectors driven by competition for fixed land supply. This study found that a number of economic sectors are likely to decrease in size. The economy will be left with fewer productions, which will be less sensitive to rising land prices. Thefuture principal oil users include transportation, wholesale and retail trade, and final demand. Policy considerations include the transfer of employment, and retraining. Government consumption needs to reduce itsrelative size, and oil use efficiency needs to be improvedto protect the diversification of production.
Keywords: Economic growth projection, economic structural change, oil demand distribution, CGE model.
The Effect of Macroeconomic Variables on Jordan's Economic Growth
Ahmad Aref Assaf
This study investigates the relationship between some macroeconomic variables (export, inflation, foreign direct investment) and economic growth of Jordan. The researcher conducts this study by using multiple linear regression method. In general, the results revealed that exports and inflation has a positive impact on growth. While there is no statistically significant impact of foreign direct investment in economic growth represented by (GDP). The results also shows that increasing the value of exports by one million dollars will lead to an increase in gross domestic product by (0.898) million dollars, and a decrease of inflation rate by (1%) will lead to an increase in gross domestic product by (0.215) million dollars. The results also indicate that the independent economic indicators included in the model explain a rate (97%) of the changes in the economic growth of gross domestic product. The remaining amount (3%), is attributable to other economic indicators were not included in multiple linear regression model.
Keywords: Economic growth, macroeconomic variables, export, inflation, foreign direct investment, Jordan.
The Interpretation and Contemporary Art’s Creative Process Reflecting Thai Culture of the Northeast
Decha Sisripat
The northeast region has its own unique culture, and the contemporary arts have been growing and expanding continuously. This research aimed to study the history and background, and the interpretation and contemporary art’s creative process reflecting Thai culture of the northeast. The study revealed that arts in Thailand were initially influenced by the western during the King Rama IV period. Later after that, Silapakorn University was established in order to produce art graduates, and those graduates had become art teachers in the northeast. Along with at that time there were 8 teaching colleges established in this region, many art teachers also graduated from here. Thus, contemporary arts have been continuously moving, as well as the faculties of fine and applied arts were established in Khon Kaen University and Mahasarakham University. In addition, the artists had also come together in order to exhibit their contemporary arts and established the Association of Northeastern Artists. The artists received concept and inspiration from the community’s livelihood or the society in various contexts, and the tradition called “Heet Sib Song.” The artists normally have their own studio and exhibition. Most of them have plans to exhibit their works.
Keywords: Interpretation, Creative Process, Contemporary Arts, Reflecting the Northeast (or Isaan)
Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility:
Theory and Practice
Surasee Hangsrisuwan, Ornpapha Chutikorntaweesin and Thuchapon Yodthong
The purposes of this research were (1) to study the ways to improve ethical performance in business, (2) to present the methods for analyzing ethical problems in business, (3) to study the principles of corporate social responsibility, (4) to present the modern forms of corporate social responsibility. Qualitative research was used in this study. The results of the study showed that the ability of organization to improve its ethical performance depends on goals and values of its managers; the personal character of its managers and other employees; traditions, attitudes, and business practices. People can use three methods for analyzing ethical problems in business: utility, comparing benefits and costs; rights: determining and protecting entitlements; and justice. The central themes of corporate social responsibility were charity and stewardship. Social responsibility encourage firms to focus on long-run profits and optimum rather than short-run and maximum profits, and promote the interests of company and all stakeholders rather than just stockholders’ interest. People who work in business frequently encounter and deal with on-the-job ethical problems. Learning how to recognize various kinds of ethical dilemmas and knowing its causes is an important business skill. The costs to business and to society of unethical and illegal behavior are very large. A business firm is more likely to gain public approval and social legitimacy adhering to ethical principles and society’s laws.
Keywords: Business Ethics, Corporate Social Responsibility, Theory, Practice.
Role of gender, Gender-Role Orientation and Distress Tolerance in Work-Family Conflict among Nigerian Bank Workers
Lawrence O. Amazue and Charity N. Uzuegbu
This study investigated the roles of gender, gender-role orientation and distress tolerance in work-family conflict. Two hundred and nineteen (97 males and 122 females) married bank workers in Enugu metropolis, Enugu state, Nigeria participated in the study. Their ages ranged between 25 and 55 years, with a mean age of 40 years. Carlson, Kacmar and William’s Work-familyConflict Scale, Hill, Fekken and Bond’s Personal Attributes Questionnaire and Simons and Gaher’s Distress Tolerance Scale were used to measure the three variables of interest. The results showed that gender and gender-role orientation did not significantly influence work-family conflict of Nigerian bank workers. However, the resultsrevealed that psychological distress tolerance significantly influenced work-family conflict.The results were discussed with reference to the rapid changes in the Nigerian world of work, especiallythe reforms in the bank organizations and the cosmopolitan life style in Nigerian urban areas which tend to play down on the traditional gender role ideology.
Keywords: Gender, gender-role orientation, psychologicaldistress tolerance, andwork-family conflict.
Decision-Making Methods for Selecting an Appropriate Waterproofing Contractor
Oh Sang-Keun, Shin Jin-Hak, Choi Sung-Min and Giseok Nam
Waterproofing is a task that is typically contracted out in the construction industry. However, decision-makers should aim to take into account not only price competitiveness, but also construction technology and quality. In particular, since the experience and knowledge of waterproofing experts, including on-site officials, are crucial when assessing waterproofing construction technology and quality, they must consider and review both quantitative and qualitative selection factors simultaneously during the contracting process. In this study, for 10 factors used when selecting a waterproofing contractor, data derived from an existing database and the results of interview surveys with 20 waterproofing experts are expressed mathematically using fuzzy analysis in order to examine the decision-making process for selecting a suitable waterproofing contractor. The result is derived by applying the fuzzy-AHP model to reflect the relative importance of these 10 evaluation factors. The ranking of the 10 items provides the selection criteria for the final evaluation of a waterproofing contractor using the a-cut method.
Keywords: Decision-making, Appropriate waterproofing contractor, Fuzzy-AHP model, α-cut, CoG value.