Continues Development and Improvement for Higher Education Institutions Quality Assurance "A Case of Jordan"
Hussein Elyan al Haramsheh
This study aimed to identify the level of Cotuniuse Development and Improvement in higher education institutions by using innovation and new technique to assure the quality of higher education, as well as identify the obstacles that prevent the use innovation and new technique in the educational process by testing the following hypothesis:
1. higher educational institutions Do not use the Cotuniuse Development and Improvement
2. There are some obstacles that prevent the use of Cotuniuse Development and Improvement
3. There is a relationship between the presence of obstacles and educational institutions cannot use Continues Development and Improvement.
The study population consisted of members faculty of (zarqa University, Hashemite University, Al-Balqa University), (100) questionnaires was distributed, (94) were restored to identify analysis valid, the recovery rate was 94 %. The questionnaire was build and develop to collect the necessary data, it is consist of two parts and (40) questions.
The most important results were:
1. Higher education institutions use Cotuniuse Development and Improvement was moderately.
2. Restriction of lecture plan and educational policies is one of the most constraints
3. A strong correlation between the existence of obstacles and the prevention of use Cotuniuse Development and Improvement.
The study recommended to encourage faculty members to deliver a flexible lecture plan, encourage using of new methods in education, encourage students to participate, interaction, and dialogue through lectures, the adoption of a clear vision for using new style of innovation in the educational process, focus on strengthening individual affiliation of the country, and focus on providing students with the skills of creativity and innovation.
Keywords: creative education, innovation, quality of higher education, Continues Improvement.
Effects of Outdoor Shared Spaces on Social Interaction in a Housing Estate in Guilan: Zone Golsar Area (ZGA)
Mohammad Saber, Zahra Safdel and Afshin Amoozadeh Lichaei
This study aims to identify how the characteristics of shared outdoor spaces in housing estates influence residents to interact with one another. The study specifically focuses on a housing project called "la cite des 1000 logs", which is situated in a zone urbane nouvelle in Golsar, a city in South Guilan. The investigation draws on two sources of information, observations of the ways in which the residents use their neighborhood spaces and a questionnaire survey with residents about the perceived adequacy of these spaces for social interaction. Housing samples were taken from a total of 1000 housing units identified within the study area. Twenty five percent of the total housing units were selected. Out of the 250 questionnaires administered to household-heads, 230 were retrieved for data analysis. Results showed that the high degree of “openness” of la cite des 1000 logs and the poor quality of communal outdoor spaces in the area discourage all forms of spatial use and reduce these outdoor spaces to transit areas. Furthermore, findings indicated that the layout of buildings and the quality of common outdoor spaces in residential neighborhoods substantially affect the use of these spaces and the social interaction among residents.
Keywords: Shared outdoor space; social interaction; Design layout; Housing estates
Investigation on Style & periodization of Prof Hanna Al-Fakhoury in Writing of Tareeh Al-Adab Al-Arabi (History of the Arabic Literature)
Farhad Divsalar
This critical-analytical present paper examines the writing method and style of Professor Hanna Al-Fakhoury, the Lebanese writer, in his literature history book of "Tareeh Al-Adab Al-Arabi" or History of Arabic Literature”.
Literary classification normally refers to what are known as the "literary genres". It is notable that the great Arab historians in classification of history of Arabic literature applied different methods such as JurjiZaydan&Zayyat; considered political periods, MostafaSadeghRafeei applied literary subjects, TahaHossein applied Historical periods and compare withProfessor Hanna Al-Fakhoury’s style in his book. Also, it is notable that these historians have different idea in the periodizationof history of Arabic literature.
Keywords: PHanna Al-Fakhoury, periodization, of History of the Arabic literature, Arabic literature
Emotional Labour as a Predictor of Turnover Intentions among Lecturers: Evidence from Caritas University
Leonard I. Ugwu and Gabriel C. Kanu
The study examined emotional labour as a significant predictor of turnover intentions among lecturers in a private Nigerian University. One hundred and fourteen (114) lecturers from Caritas University participated in the study. The teacher emotional labour scale and the turnover intention scale were used to obtain responses from the participants. The result showed that there was no significant relationship between emotional labour and turnover intentions, thus the alternative hypothesis was rejected. Additionally, surface acting dimension of emotional labour significantly predicted turnover intentions among lecturers (β=.23, p<.01). The findings and implications of the study were discussed and suggestions for future studies were made.
Statut de L'article Indéfini en Français
Bassel al Zboun
In this work we deal with the statut of the indefinite article in French as a grammatical category determines the name. The assumption is that the indefinite article that appears in the language in the form (un, une and des) should be analyzed and classified differently in the grammar of the target language. We have provided a state statut in place of the grammar of the language. From this study, we conducted a systematic analysis based on principles of functional linguistics. This analysis allowed us to classify different from what is traditionally known.
Keywords: Indefinite article, grammar, syntax, functional linguistic.
Investigating the Effect of Compatibility Culture on Customer Satisfaction (Case Study: Kalleh Dairy Company)
Reza Sepahvand, Hojjatollah Vahdati and Keivan Mousavi
Due to the importance of understanding the organizational culture and its impact on the judgment of others about the organization, this study is an attempt to investigate the effect of Compatibility Culture on customer satisfaction in Kalleh dairy company. This research is an applied study in terms of purpose while it is descriptive in terms of research method. The¬ statistical population includes 168 participants, including managers and planning engineers, from Kaleh branches in West Country and unit planning and customer relationship management staffs in Tehran. The number of 168 Dennison standard organizational culture questionnaires (9 items) and standard questionnaires of customer satisfaction (18 items) were sent to them in order to evaluate the effect of Compatibility Culture on customer satisfaction. The collected data were analyzed using inferential statistical methods such as Pearson correlation coefficient. LISREL software was used to evaluate the validity of the model and test the hypotheses. The results suggested that Compatibility Culture in Kalleh Company has positive effect on customer satisfaction at the significance level of 0.05.
Keywords: organizational culture, Compatibility Culture, involvement culture, consistency culture, mission culture and customer satisfaction
The Probe of Concepts of Organizational Citizenship Behavior in Different Social and Cultural Conditions
191-201 |
Mohammad Javad Hosain Zadeh Saljoughi, Vahid Nasehi Far, Said Ali Akbar Afgeie and Jamshid Salehi Sadaghiyani
One of the most common conceptualizing about metafunctions behavior is organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) (Bateman & organ, 1983). The OCB was introduced for the first time by Organ and his colleague in 1983. The Findings of this study were presented in three phases including content analysis, exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis. To determine the content validity through comparative-qualitative method, the library studies and experts` opinion had been applied. Content of the concepts which could explain the correct behavior of people in an organization was extracted from sermon of Imam Ali (AS) to Hammam known as “Osaf-al- Motaghin”. Indices used in this measure retrieved from authentic translation of this sermon. Finally, items were obtained for analysis and they were disseminated among and collected from the statistical population. In the next step, to examine the validity of questionnaire convergence, the correlation of localized questionnaire were compared with standardized questionnaires of Podsakoff and et al. (1990), Organ (1998).
Keywords: organizational citizenship behavior, content analysis, factor analysis
Planning the Location of Health Services using a Spatial Allocation Model and GIS: A Case Study of Al-mazar District, Al-karak Governorate, Jordan
Nazeeh Almanasyeh
The main aim of this paper is to investigate the efficiency and equity of already established Comprehensive Health Centers locations in Al-mazar district, Al-karak governorate, and to calculate the optimum location of these services, to compare existing and optimal locations in order to establish the best or optimal location of new Comprehensive Health Centers in the future, by using simple spatial allocation models and GIS. I would argue that the problem is not with the model but is a long term planning and policy issue that needs to take into account a basic lack of services in the area and the dependence of spatial planning on the transportation system (bus routes) which are affected by the topography of the study area and administrative borders. In terms of the lack of existing services, future planning should determine the location of new or upgraded levels of services using mathematical models similar to the one developed here.
Keywords: GIS, Location-Allocation Model, Health Centers.
Impact of Succession Planning on Employee's Performance: Evidence from Commercial Banks of Pakistan
Zulqurnain Ali, Babak Mehmood, Saira Ejaz and Sheikh Farhan Ashraf
The purpose of study was to get empirical evidence of the relationship between Succession planning and Employees Performance in commercial banks of Pakistan. This study was based on a survey to explore a conceptual model which link succession planning, performance appraisal and employee’s performance in commercial banks of Pakistan. A quantitative approach implied to get empirical evidence to understand the impact of predictors of research on criterion. Five point likert scales used to measure the response from respondents. A total of 127 banking professionals answered the questionnaires with the response rate of 85%. Two hypotheses were tested to check the impact of predictors on criterion variable. ANOVA Table represents a model good fit. The results presented a significant relationship between succession planning, performance appraisal and performance of employee's.
Keywords: Succession Planning, Performance Appraisal, Employee’s Performance, Banks of Pakistan
Monetary Policy and the Informal Sector in Nigeria, 1970 - 2011
Jonathan Emenike Ogbuabor, Ifeoma C and Anthony Orji
This study examined the impact of CBN monetary policy on informality in Nigeria over the period 1970-2011 using an ordinary least squares methodology. The results indicate that money supply impacts positively and significantly on informality; while other monetary variables such as minimum rediscount rate, exchange rate, inflation rate, and liquidity ratio do not impact significantly on informality in Nigeria. This finding implies that expansionary monetary policy that favours increased money supply in Nigeria encourages informality. The results further indicate that the burden of taxation and government regulatory activities in the economy are significant drivers of informality in Nigeria.
Keywords: Monetary Policy; Money Supply; Informality; OLS; CBN; Nigeria