Television Viewing on Analysis of College Students
María Carmen Martínez Serrano |
This article describes a study conducted at the University of Jaén (Spain) which analyzes the TV viewing behaviors of students in the educacional program (n = 236), as well as their preferences between the different Spanish television channels. Among the main objectives of the study are to determine medium average of hours of television viewing, the type of programmes and the purpose of the viewing among the young university student of different grades of education; as well as improve our knowledge about their valuation on viewing preferences of the various public and private broadcasters. Data were analyzed with SPSS version 19 for Windows. An analysis of variance was performed with the intention of determining the existence of statistically significant differences between television viewing and sex of respondents and between ratings and media groups in the Degree course. Consistent with the study. hypothesis and objectives, the methodology used is descriptive, aunque en algunos momentos hayamos tenido la necesidad de combinarla con los estudios de relación; although sometimes it has been combined with the studies of relationship. From the data analyzed, the derived profile is that of a young student in Education who watches daily between one and three hours of TV for entertainment purposes (national series) and with their preference being the Atresmedia Group. Significant differences between the valuation of some TV channels and specialty grade students education are obtained.
Keywords: Television, university education, viewing habit profile, initial training, education.
Factors Contributing to Attraction of Nurses in Indian Tertiary Care Hospital
Rajapriya. N and Haider Yasmeen |
The greatest threat to healthcare industry is not a deadly virus or epidemic breakout; rather it’s a growing shortage of healthcare employees. Gaining attention of skilled healthcare personnel has become a great challenge for hospitals in recent days. The purpose of this paper is to identify significant factors that attract nurses to join tertiary care hospitals. Descriptive research design is adopted and the data for the study is collected through structured questionnaire from ninety five nurses working in tertiary care hospital. Eight significant factors have been identified. They are learning opportunity, accessibility, empowerment, hospital ambience, job security, brand image of the hospital, good management and career growth. Using mean score t- test and one way ANOVA, it was found that female nurses give more importance to work timings and proximity while choosing a hospital for employment. It was also observed that the choice of these two factors remain the same irrespective of the years of experience the nurses have.
employer attractiveness, healthcare professionals, tertiary care hospital, employer branding
Islamic Banking: Basic Guidelines for Researchers
Saeed Al-Muharrami
Islamic banking is different in nature from conventional banking. Islamic banks are very innovative in creating Profit Loss Sharing contracts to satisfy their customers. They deal with their customers on investment grounds rather than a pre-determined fixed interest rate. They invest the money of their depositors on high profitable projects after going through a strategic analysis in order to give a substantial return to their depositors. These kind of innovative financing contracts are giving the popularity to Islamic banks. This paper discusses the Islamic financing modes and contracts and their operations and gives brief illustration about Islamic banking. The paper is a good summary for researchers.
Keywords: Islamic Banking, Modes of Islamic Financing, Profit Loss Sharing,Shari’ah Advisory Board, Sukuk.
JEL Classification: G2, G3, and G21
Knowledge Management of Kru Muay Thai
Lucksana Gleawglahan, Niyom Wongpongpan and Somsak Srisantisuk
This study aims to find the biography and works of Kru Muay Thai and to develop a form of knowledge management of Kru Mauy Thai. The findings reveal Kru Muay Thai or Muay Thai teachers have different lifestyles and cultures. Some of them were born talented while some has to search for such talent. These teachers have to create a good culture for their followers which lead to the creation of 10 stairs to success, including the creations of new culture, mutual visions, knowledge, learning shortcuts, change, space, people, system, companion and knowledge treasury. The development of knowledge management is consisted of 7 managing processes, including the knowledge gathering, knowledge systematization, knowledge storage, knowledge application, innovation creation, knowledge exchange, and knowledge expansion. Knowledge exchange and expansion are considered important in developing benefits from the knowledge managing processes. Under these processes the contents that are tacit and implicit knowledge. These two are both similar and different: they share the morality taught among the boxers while the difference is the integration of Buddhist paths and the use of sport sciences as main components in terms of skills and practice process.
Keywords: Kru Muay Thai, Knowledge Management
Perception of Factors Affecting Service Quality in Customer Service Centre of Mobilink
Javed Iqbal
The paper examines the factors responsible for service quality in one of the private sector organization in the telecom sector. The service quality model put forward by Evans and Lindsay is the basis. It has been squeezed in one variable called Service Quality Process (SQP) which includes eight dimensions. More than three hundred were included in the survey of customer who visit customer service centres of the company. Multi fold analysis was made to look upon the data from different aspects. Two stages regression was also applied: with and without moderation. It was found that Value for Money is moderating between SQP and customer satisfaction. Customers are comfortable with the quality mechanism in place. The money is playing decisive role due the fact that the people from all walks of life are using the service and most of them were classified as poor in economic terms since the country is in the lower quartile of per capita income in the global community. The moderated role of ‘value for money’ demonstrates the reality as a hard fact of life.
Keywords: survey, customer perception, service quality, Mobilink, SERVQUAL
Agricultural Outputs, Food Security and Economic Development: Some Policy Options and Strategies for Africa
Anthony Orji, Jonathan Emenike Ogbuabor and Sam Umesiobi
It is a common knowledge that industrialization has long been considered the engine of growth and the propeller of economic development. On the other hand, agriculture was believed to be unresponsive to economic incentives and therefore did not apply itself to technical change. As a result, policy makers believed that promoting industry at the expense of agriculture would sacrifice little in output.At least, this was the conventional wisdom in the 1970s and early 1980s. But this conventional wisdom had gone through empirical verification, with no conclusive result yet. Again, by the late 1990s and early 2000s it became clear that agriculture was deeply influenced by some factors external to the sector. These were industrial policies and exchange rates, which in turn affected investment, growth and income in agriculture. Against this background, this conceptual paper contributes to the literature by focusingon what African countries should do to enhance agricultural outputs, food security and economic developmentwithinthecontinent. The study therefore lays strong emphasis on the making the right use of the population, addressing land use issues, formulating appropriate macroeconomic policies, adopting advanced technology, improving natural resources management, investing in infrastructure, investing in education and health, better functioning markets, improving food utilization and enhancing rural investment climate. These are some of the policy options and strategies that Africa can adopt to enhance her development through agricultural innovations.
Keywords: Agriculture, Output, Food Security, Economic, Development, Africa
JEL Classification: N57; O13; Q18;
The United States's Failure in the Face of Iran's Islamic Revolution
Hosseinali Yarokhi and Mohsen Tavakolian
One of the major crises that The White House has faced on the foreign policy was the Islamic revolution of Iran in 1979. Neglect of the Islamic revolution of Iran can be considered as the greatest failure of Carter administration. Despite the special relationships that have been established over thirty seven years between the United States and the second Pahlavi regime; but during the Islamic revolution, American government failed to understand the crisis of Iran and making appropriate decisions in dealing with it. In this paper by using a descriptive-analysis study, the author is seeking to answer this question that why America failed to prevent the triumphal Islamic revolution in Iran.
Keywords: Iran, the United States, the Islamic Revolution, Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi, Jimmy Carter
The Identity, Patterns and Creative Process of LuangPrabang Silver Craft Style
Teerayut Pengchai, Niyom Wongpongkham and Chawalit Athipatayakul |
LuangPrabang is a fascinated city known for itsunique culture and way of life, especially the silver handicrafts inherited since the Royal Lao LuangPrabang period. This study aims to find the history, identity, pattern, creative process, and inheritance of silver craft style in the world heritage city of LuangPrabang. The data was collected from documents, field trip observations and in-depth interviews of four silver craftsman groups in LuangPrabang. The study revealed that the LuangPrabang silver craft style came from the royal artisan named “Sir Thong”, who crafted silver and silver wares for the LuangPrabang Royal Palace. In the past the silver wares were made for the royal family members, elites and wealthy people, therefore the silver craftsmanship then was considered as the high ranking style of art that such knowledge would be taught and transmitted within the royal palace only. At present the silver wares and crafts have become unique cultural products of LuangPrabang. The identity of LuangPrabang silver crafts was the product’s patterns that could well indicate where they were from. Those patterns included Theppanom pattern, Naga pattern, Three-headed elephant pattern, and Fixed star pattern.
Keywords: Identity, Patterns, Creative process, Silver Craft Style
African Ontology, Feminism and Sustainable Development in Africa
Francis Etim
Feminism as a belief, philosophy, movement and advocacy for equal right, power and opportunities for women as their men counterpart is of contemporary emphasis so much so that its relevance and significance to issues of contemporary concern cannot be overlooked. Given the traditional African attitude towards women which is presumed to be anti-women, this paper seeks to critically examine the relevance of feminism to Africa’s drive towards achieving sustainable development. On the other hand, the paper believes that radical feminism which is antithetical to African ontology that is hierarchically structured will obstruct rather than enhance the achievement of sustainable development in Africa.
Black Consciousness, African Metaphysics, African Logic and Moral Relativism in Africa
Francis Etim
The endemic nature of moral decadence in post-Apartheid South Africa and the rest of the African nations appears a rape of the vision of Biko’s dream of a “glittering prize” and “a more human face”. The moral situation is appalling manifesting in various ramifications: - corruption, embezzlement, child abuse, avarice, distrust, rape, kidnapping, politically motivated assassinations, abuse of public office, and so on. What is even more worrisome and of concern to any reflective mind is their persistence and pervasive nature despite all efforts at minimizing not to talk of eradicating it. Is it that enough has not been done? Is it that immorality is co-natural with the Africans? This paper is of the view that though moral decadence is not restricted to Africa and that though immorality is not co-natural with Africans, however, African ontology and African logic of harmonious monism and integrativeness have somehow contributed to the seeming apathy to public and private moral rectitude in Africa which makes it appears as if the African society is permissive. African logic, for instance, sometimes permits “manipulation” and “understanding” based on status to maintain existential ontological harmony. This explains why different strokes are sometimes applied to different folks provided the harmony is not unsettled. Remedy then requires a complementary ontology in the spirit of African ontology of complementarity.