Omanis’ Perceptions of Promoting Awareness of Omani Prominent Historical Figures and Heritage Preservation
213-223 |
Al-Rabaani, Ahmed, Al-Salimi- Mohsin, Al-Shueily, Sulaliman,, Al-Ghafri,
Mohammed, Al-Salmi, Hamed, Gubara, Hassean, Bani-Oraba, Asma and Al- Maawali, Al Muatassim |
This study investigates Omanis’ perceptions of the roles of stakeholders in promoting awareness of national figures of historical prominence. A questionnaire was administered to 2,863 Omanis, comprising 1,470 males and 1,393 females. The tool consisted of 38 items divided into four domains: importance of raising awareness of historically prominent Omanis; role of family and society; role of TV, radio, and newspapers; and the role of social media. The results found that Omanis strongly believe in the importance of raising awareness of prominent historical figures, and they think the family, society, media, and social media are instrumental in this. The study also revealed that Omanis’ perceptions differ due to their gender and qualification.
Keywords: Oman, Historical, Prominence, Figures, Awareness
Analysis of Housing and Housing Facilities in a Nigerian Tourist Center: The Obudu Experience |
224-232 |
Abua, M. A., Oko, P.E., Igelle E. I., Abutunghe, M. A., Ayiri, B. A., Michael, I. F. and Eja, I. E.
Housing is an important aspect of man’s existence. The sector has evolved across space and time beginning with the primitive tent making to the building of sky creepers in modern times. However, the construction of modern houses, with the state of the art facilities, has not been the same in all regions of the world. In most developing nations, poverty, poor urban planning and little or no commitment by government have increased the rate and tendency of slum and shanty town development with its associated health, environmental, aesthetic and economic problems. Therefore, this study aimed at examining the state of housing facilities in Obudu as it relates to tourism prospect of the area. Data for the study were obtained principally from primary sources. Here, interview and questionnaire were employed to elicit responses from 200 sampled respondents. Simple random and systematic random sampling techniques were used to select eight (8) residential areas and the two hundred sampled respondents respectively. The responses were meticulously coded and analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics such as tables, histogram, and pie chart. The hypotheses were analyzed using One-Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and the Person’s Product Moment Correlation. The results revealed that there is no significant variation in housing facilities between the various residential areas of Obudu. The study also revealed that there is a significant relationship between internal housing facilities and housing patronage by tourists in Obudu. Based on this, it was recommended among other things that if the tourism prospects of Obudu area of Cross River State is to be sustained, adequate housing units with the state of the art facilities should be constructed in the area by governments, private and corporate bodies.
Keywords: Housing, Housing Facilities, Tourist Center and Obudu
The Impact of Competitive Intelligence on Project Success in
Jordanian Construction Companies
233-249 |
Mohammed Mutasim Al Dabbas and Shaker Jaralla Alkshali |
The study aimed to verify the effect of competitive intelligence on the success of projects in Jordanian contracting companies. The results of the study indicated that there are high levels of competitive intelligence dimensions, while three dimensions of project success (quality, time and customer loyalty) were at high levels, while the fourth dimension, cost, was at a medium level. The results indicated that there is a significant effect of competitive intelligence on the success of projects in Jordanian contracting companies.
Keywords: Competitive Intelligence, Enterprise Success, Contracting Companies, Jordan
Towards Enhancing Physics Students’ Academic Achievement through
Concept Mappimg Instructional Strategy
250-259 |
Agube, C. C., Ntibi, J. E. E. and Neji, H. A. |
The main thrust of study examined how Physics students’ academic achievement in Calabar Education Zone, Cross River State, Nigeria, is enhanced through concept mapping instructional strategy. Three research questions were posed and three hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. The study adopted a pretest, posttest, non-equivalent control groups quasi-experimental research design. The sample for the study comprised of 349 SSI Physics students selected using the purposive sampling from four co-educational schools located within the Education Zone. Data were collected using Physics Achievement Test (PAT) constructed by the researchers and validated by experts in measurement and evaluation to ascertain the validity of the instrument. The reliability of the test was ascertained using the Kuder-Richardson (K-R)20 formula and a reliability coefficient of 0.80 was obtained. Data collected using the instrument were analyzed using mean and standard deviation to answer the research questions, while ANCOVA statistic was used to test the null hypotheses at 0.05 probability level. Results of the study indicated students taught Physics through concept mapping strategy performed better than the students taught using the normal lecture method, and that the adoption of concept mapping strategy in teaching and learning aid retention knowledge. School location was found to have a significant effect on students’ academic achievement in Physics using concept mapping, while the interaction effect between teaching methods and school location was found not significant on students’ academic achievement. Based on these findings, it was recommended that concept mapping should be adopted by Physics teachers at secondary school level in order to enhance students’ academic achievement.
Keywords: Concept mapping, school location, students’ academic achievement and retention