Altruism in Public: Holding Open Doors for those Who Follow
Lillian A. Phenice, Robert J. Griffore and KyungSook Lee
Students' Perceptions about Geography: A Study of Basic Education School Students in Oman
Mohammed Abdullah Al-Nofli
Nigeria in the Context of the Global Economy
Lambert Uyi Edigin
Transnational Capital Investment Allocation Model for Restaurant Industry in Taiwan
Pih-Shuw Chen, Sung-Chi Wu and Wei-Sheung Tseng
Evaluations of Kindergarten Teachers in Turkey
Cagla Gur
The Relationship between Saudi EFL Students' Writing Competence, L1 Writing Proficiency, and Self-regulation
Hashem Ahmed Alsamadani
Corrupt Practices and Educational Values Attainment in Nigeria Society
Wale Odunayo and Tola Olujuwon
Mathematics Anxiety Among Secondary School Students in India and its Relationship to Achievement in Mathematics
Tahira Khatoon and Sadia Mahmood
Key Factors which Cause the Anxiety among the University Students: A Case Study Based on an Event Happened in Peshawar Campus
Qamruz Zaman, Muhammad Atif, Habib Shah, Gohar Ayub and Muhammad Farooq
L'effet du Changement du Critère de Rattachement Licite Par Son Origine et sa Description dans la Détermination de la loi Applicable Selon le Droit International Privé Jordanien
Khaldoun Said Qtaishat and Kamal AbdelRahim Al-Alaween
Interlingual Interference in the English Language Word Order Structure of Jordanian EFL Learners
Mohammad Hamad Al-Khresheh
Mediating Effects of Work-Family Factors in the Relationship between Organizational Characteristics and Intention to Stay
Noraani Mustapha ,Aminah Ahmad ,Jegak Uli and Khairuddin Idris
The Dynamics of Corporate Financial Distress in Emerging Market Economy: Empirical Evidence from the Indonesian Stock Exchange 2004-2008
Koes Pranowo, Noer Azam Achsani, Adler H.Manurung and Nunung Nuryartono
An Analysis of Dynamic Linkages between Domestic Investment, Exports and Growth in Malaysia
Bee Wah Tan and Hooi Hooi Lean
Social Competence among the Students of the University and Relation to Demographic Factors
Etaf M. AL-Kfaween