Universal basic Education Intervention (Ube) Programmes and the Quality of Social
Studies Curriculum Content Implementation in Yakurr Local Government Area of Cross River State of Nigeria |
107-122 |
Edinyang, Sunday David, Effiom, John Edwin, Odey, Edward Ogar and Ushie, Doris |
This study examined the Universal Basic Education (UBE) intervention program and the quality of Social Studies curriculum implementation in Yakurr Local Government Area of Cross River State, Nigeria. Two statements of hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. The literature review was carried out based on the variables under study. The survey research design was utilized. The stratified random sampling technique was in selecting the 199 respondents sampled for the study. A validated 20 items four points Likert scale questionnaire was the instrument used for data collection. The reliability estimate of the instrument ranged from 0.67-0.83 using the Cronbach Alpha reliability method. Data were analyzed using Pearson's Product Moment Correlation. The result of the study revealed that there is a significant relationship between Universal Basic Education (UBE) provision of infrastructure to schools, improvement in teacher quality through training and retraining and the quality of Social Studies curriculum content implementation. It was recommended that UBE ought to be appropriately subsidized by the government in other to upgrade its compelling usage and increment in enrolment ought to be joined by the increment in the provision of physical assets and sufficient upkeep of accessible ones.
Keywords: Universal Basic Education (UBE), Programmes, Implementation, Curriculum, Social Studies, Training and retraining, Infrastructures
Transnationalization, Exportation, and Capitalization of Turkish Television
and its Impact on the Audience of the Egypt and Pakistan
123-137 |
Musa Khan and Ulrike Rohn |
Television plays an effective role in cross-cultural and political communication, gaining soft power, contributing to social revolution, and tying together nations of different background and cultures. Over the last two decades, Turkey has adopted a strategy of multidimensional public diplomacy whereby Turkish media (Television) exports and capitalization have emerged as a public and commercial cultural diplomacy tool. This article focuses on the widespread impact of Turkish television productions in the context of social, psychological, cultural, and economic impact, covering cultural exportation through TV serials, cultural-encounters, and capitalization—i.e., content sale, indirect advertisement, and media-induced tourism. Empirical data has been collected from the sample of two regions, South Asia (Pakistan) and the Middle East (Egypt). The results denote that the majority of respondents preferred to watch historical and contemporary TV serials. Following the social, psychological, and cultural impact, the respondents have diverse opinions regarding its impact on their personal behavior and social lives, indicating the existence of both active and passive audience. A large number of respondents believe that Turkish TV serials are a source of inspiration to visit Turkey and/or buy Turkish products. One of the main reasons for choosing Turkish TV serials among foreign contents is "Cultural Proximity."
Keyword: Transnationalization, Turkish TV Serials, Capitalization, Cultural exportation, Cultural encounters, Cultural proximity
Family Stability and Social Studies Students' Academic Achievement in Tertiary
Institutions in Cross River State, Nigeria: Implications for Adult Environmental Education
138-148 |
Essien, Ekpenyong Essien, Essien, Cecilia Kori, Unimna, Fidelis Abunimye and Effiom, John Edwin |
The essence of this study was to examine the relationship between family stability and social studies undergraduates’ academic achievement in tertiary institutions in Cross River State, Nigeria. One research question and one hypothesis was formulated. Seven hundred and fifty-three (753) students were drawn through simple random sampling technique. Expost facto research design was used in carrying out the study. Socio-psychological Factors Questionnaire (SPFQ) and a Social Studies Achievement Test (SOSAT) were the researchers made test were used in the collection of data. The result of the study revealed that family stability significantly influences their academic achievement in Social Studies. It was therefore recommended that the government should embark on sincere and people oriented social and economic empowerment of families through job creation and skills acquisition so that families will be able to provide quality education for their children.
Keywords: Family stability, Social Studies, Students, Children, Academic Performance, Instrument, Achievement test
Teachers Demographic Variables and Implementation of Junior Secondary
School Social Studies Curriculum in Calabar Municipality, Cross River State of Nigeria
149-172 |
Unimna, Fidelis Abunimye, Essien, Ekpenyong Essien, Edinyang, Sunday David,Unimke, Sylvester Akongi and Opoh, Fredrick Awhen |
This study assessed teachers’ demographic variables and the implementation of Junior Secondary School Social Studies curriculum in Calabar Municipality, Cross River State, Nigeria. Two research questions were formulated to guide the study. Literature review was carried out based on the variables under study. Survey research design was utilized. Proportionate and Purposive sampling techniques were used in selecting the 78 respondents sampled for the study. A validated 14 items four point likert scale questionnaire was the instrument used for data collection. The reliability estimate of the instrument was 0.88 using Cronbach Alpha reliability method. Data was analysed using the descriptive analysis. The result of the study revealed thata teacher’s qualification and teaching experience influences teachers implementation of Social Studies curriculum. It was recommended that there is a necessity for government and other partners in education to advance and encourage consistent teacher improvement via in-service and pre-administration training programs.
Keywords: Teachers qualification, Teachers years of experience, Implementation, Curriculum, Social Studies
Doctrine of Innocent Agent under the Criminal Laws of Jordan and Australia:A Comparative Study
173-192 |
Mouaid Al Qudah |
This Article provides a comparative study of the doctrine of innocent agent as a ground of primary criminal liability under the criminal laws of Jordan and Australia. Despite its various problematic aspects, there is no explicit regulation on this area of criminal law in the Jordanian Penal Code 1960 No 16 (JPC). Whereas, in Australia although this doctrine is considered in many case laws, yet the approach adopted by the courts in setting its ambit and qualifying requirements is not devoid of obscurity. This Article considers the substantive law on this area of criminal liability, explores the rationale which underpins the evolution of the doctrine, and analyses its qualifying requirements in both jurisdictions. Central to this purpose is to consider the scope and limitations of this doctrine and highlight the various possible areas of uncertainty regarding its application. To this end, the Article is divided into three sections. In section 1, the doctrine’s rationale, scope and limitations under the criminal law of Australia are considered. Section 2 addresses the same issue under the JPC. In Section 3, we conclude by comparing and contrasting the respective positions in both jurisdictions with various specific suggestions for possible law reform of the JPC are provided.
Keywords: Innocent, Agent, Principal, Jordan, Australia, Criminal, Primary, Accessorial, Liability, omission, negligence, crimes requiring personal performance
Transnationalization of TV serials: A Comparative Study of the
Exportation of Korean and Turkish TV Serials
193-208 |
Musa Khan and Yong-jin Won |
Television plays an effective role in transnationalism, cross-cultural communication, gaining soft power, contributing to social revolution, and tying together nations of different backgrounds and cultures. Over the last two decades, Korea and Turkey have adopted a strategy of multidimensional public diplomacy whereby television serials exports and capitalization have emerged as a public and commercial cultural diplomacy tool. Following the narrative review method of the previous research, this paper focuses on the comparison of Turkish and Korean TV serials in terms of transnationalism of television serials in the age of streaming TV, cultural exportation through TV serials, cultural-encounters, and capitalization i.e. content sale, indirect advertisement, and media-induced tourism. It takes a look at the encountering of hegemonic nature and the unidirectional flow of media content from the dominant countries to the rest of the world i.e. the flow of media content from Hollywood to the rest of the world. Moreover, this paper discusses the similarities and dissimilarities between Turkish and Korean TV serials exportation in terms of reception, reaction, and barriers in the targeted consumer countries. The findings reveal that Korean and Turkish TV serials are remarkable emerging industries encountering the unidirectional flow of TV productions from the United States to the rest of the world. TV serials of both countries, Turkey and Korea, similarly got popularity and face issues from rivals in their respective regional orders and international markets. However, in terms of importing foreign TV content, Korea seems inactive as compare to the Turkish television industry.
Keyword:Transnationalism, TV Serials, Korean Serials, Turkish Serials, Cultural Exportation, Capitalization of TV Serials
Ibo Secession and Lt. Col Ojukwu’s Declaration of the Republic of Biafra: A Catalyst to the Nigerian Civil War, 1967-1970
209-222 |
Ediagbonya Michael, Duyile, W. A. and Nwachukwu John Uzoma |
This paper discusses the Ibo secession and Lt. Col. Ojukwu declaration of the Republic of Biafra in 1967. It examines the secession by the Ibo and the declaration of Biafra as a catalyst to the Nigerian civil war. It analyses the ambition of Lt. Col. Ojukwu and Major General Gowon as contributing to the outbreak of the civil war. The mass killing of the Ibos in the North and the inability of the Federal Government to intervene also came to focus. The study relied on primary sources as oral interviews and archival materials. It also used secondary sources like books, newspapers, articles, journals theses, dissertations etc. It was found that the declaration of Republic of Biafra was the immediate factor that led to the war. It was also found that the poor management of issues involved in the war by General Gowon and Lt. Col. Ojukwu led to the war. The study demonstrated that the mass killing of the Ibos in the North was unnecessary and unpatriotic. The study indicated that the creation of 12 states by General Gowon was done without proper consultation, as it provoked the Ibos to advocate for separation. It was also found that the war ended with much causalities from both sides especially the Ibos.
Keywords: Nationalism, Secession, Biafra, War, Catalyst
Diachronic Development and Perception of Juvenile Delinquency on Students' Academic Results: Case of the Modern High School in the City of Duékoué (Côte d´Ivoire) |
223-237 |
Agossou Kouakou Mathias |
The purpose of this study is to analyze the diachronic development and the perception that pupils have of juvenile delinquency within their establishment in relation to their academic results. A sample of 400 students has been determined. The quantitative results from the statistical analyzes show that in the case of delinquent pupils taken apart, delinquent behaviors influence academic performance differently depending on whether one is a girl or a boy. On the other hand, apart from non-delinquent pupils, the influence of delinquent behavior on school results is not linked to the concept of gender. For this study, it is necessary to consider certain specific measures with regard to this school population, by the creation of a prevention program taking into account, its evolution and its tendency to increase which is a constant variable in school failure.
Keywords: Diachronic development-Perception-Juvenile delinquency-Academic results
A Historical Study of Boko Haram Activities in Nigeria, 2009-2015 |
238-246 |
Duyile Abiodun William, Adu Modupe Funmilayo, Jegede G. G and Buhari Lateef. O |
This paper traces the activities of Boko Haram. The research also studied the nature of the sect; analyzed the prevailing factors that characterized the war. The study relied heavily on documentary data and lightly on oral data. The oral data were based on committee reports; and the documentary data were sourced from colonial government annual departmental reports, correspondence, books, newspaper and magazines. The oral data were transcribed for analysis. The documentary data were subjected to textual and contextual analysis. The researcher found out that Boko Haram thrived because of the nature of governance in Nigeria.
Students’ Perception of Teacher Knowledge of Subject Matter/Lesson Presentation and Academic Performance in Physics in Calabar Municipality, Cross River State, Nigeria |
247-254 |
Ntibi, J.E.E, Neji, H. A and Agube, Chuku |
This study examined the influence of students’ perception of teacher knowledge of subject matter/ lesson presentation and academic achievement in Physics in Calabar Municipality, Cross River State, Nigeria. Two hypotheses were formulated to direct the study and literature was reviewed on the variables under study. Ex-post facto design research was adopted for the study. A total sample of 50 Physics students were selected using simple random sampling procedure. The questionnaire and Physics Achievement Test (PAT) were the main instruments used for data collection. The reliability estimate of the instrument was established through Cronbach Alpha reliability and Kudar-Richarson’s formular (KR-21) which yielded an estimate of .83 and .81 respectively. One Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) statistic was adopted to test the two hypotheses at. 05 level of significance. The result of the analysis revealed that there is a significant influence of students’ perception of teacher knowledge of subject matter and academic achievement in Physics. Secondly, finding revealed that mode of lesson presentation has significant influence on students’ academic performance in Physics. Based on this finding, it was recommended among others that teachers should improve their knowledge of the subject matter and mode of presentation of subject content through attending conferences, seminars and workshops of stakeholders in education to enhance students’ academic achievement.
Keywords: Knowledge of subject matter, lesson presentation, students’ academic achievement in Physics