Exploring the Behavior of App Developers and the Future of Digital Bangladesh |
255-264 |
Altaf Hossain, Md. Abdullah Amir Hamja, Faroque Ahmed, and Kayum Mohammad Arafat |
In 2009, the government of Bangladesh formulated a vision named as the “Vision 2021”. The main goal of the vision was to digitalize the services for bringing up them in front of people and make Bangladesh a middle-income country within 2021. As part of digitalization, the ministry of ICT Division of Bangladesh took projects for creating mobile apps for public services. Unfortunately,these apps are not currently working; only 100 apps were available in the play store at the time of data collection. This paper explores the behavior of app developers for understanding – why they are not working for the public services and removed from the play store. Data on app duration, size, update, download, and rating were collected from 100 government and 294 non-government apps in the Google Play Store on 15 October 2017. The analysis shows that the average rating of government apps is less than that of the apps developed by individual developers. Primarily, the causes are observed that the size and number of updates of the government apps are less than that of non-government. It is also observed that app size and number of its updates accelerate app rating and increase its usability. However, these are not the root causes; the study has identified the main cause that an aggressive developer developed the government apps of Bangladesh. This aggressive behavior of app development must underestimate the future of Digital Bangladesh, for example.
Keywords: Vission 2021, Digital Bangladesh, Mobile Apps, Government, Non-government and Aggressive Developers
Diagnosis Females with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Literature Review and Recommendations for Better Diagnosis in Jordan and Kuwait
265-268 |
Ibrahim El-Zraigat and Mubarak Alshammari |
The primary purpose of this study was to review symptoms of autism spectrum disorder among females and males as well as find out applicable recommendations for better diagnosis measures in Jordan and Kuwait. The present study is considered a theoretical study. The review indicated that females and males with autism spectrum disorder exhibit differences of socio-emotional and behavioral characteristics of ASD. The study ended by offering a number of conclusions and recommendations for better diagnosis of females with ASD. Basically, there is a need to construct specialized measures for females and males with ASD.
Keyword: Diagnosis Females with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Recommendations for Better Diagnosis, Jordan, and Kuwait.
Politique de Prise de Décision Pour une Deuxième Langue Officielle: Le cas du Français Comme Langue Internationale et Géostratégique Pour le Nigeria
269-280 |
Samson Fabian Nzuanke, Nwobu Emmanuel Nnamdi and Angela Ahowbewom Ajimase |
Indeed, the decision taken in December 1996 to adopt French as Nigeria’s second official language envisaged planting the language at the base of the country’s educational system from where it was expected to gradually expand and affect other sectors of the nation’s socio-political and economic life. Nevertheless, the implementation of the policy on ground has been fraught with many challenges. This is perhaps due to the way the decision was made. Drawing from secondary data, and founded on decision-making theories, we sought, through this deductive study, to understand why the implementation of the policy on French as Nigeria’s second official language has been marred by difficulties. We discovered that these difficulties derived from the decision-making model, the psychological-perceptual (or the Great man theory of history) that was used at the time. This does not suit the Nigerian society with its generally natural aversion to dictatorship. We therefore recommended a return to the drawing board with a view to bringing all Francophiles in Nigeria together to work towards implanting French as the country’s second official language.
Keywords: Decision-making, Second Official Language, Nigeria, French, Geo-linguistics, Geopolitics
Social Variables and Perception Towards Examination Misconduct Among Secondary School Students in Calabar Municipality, Cross River State
281-287 |
Melvina Amalu, Ntamu Blessing A, Bekomson Achi N., Nneka S. Amalu |
The main thrust of this study was to examine the influence of social variables on perception of students towards examination misconduct among secondary school students in Calabar Municipality, Cross River State, Nigeria. A total of 200(out of 2,329) respondents comprised 89males and 111 females students respectively responded to self-structured questionnaire Titled” Social Variables and Perception Towards Examination Misconduct Questionnaire (SVPTEMQ) designed for the study. The face and content validity were ensured while Cronbach Alpha method of estimating reliability gave a reliability coefficient of 0.74 which was high enough to necessitate the use of the instrument. Two hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. Independent t-test and One Way Analysis of Variance statistics were used for data analysis. The finding revealed that high parental income level significantly influence perception towards examination misconduct, male students differ from their female counterpart in their perception towards examination misconduct. Based on the finding, it was recommended among others that wealthy parents should encourage their children to work hard and not to believe that money can solve all their problems.
Keywords: Parental income, sex, perception, examination, misconduct
Enforced Disappearances and Constitutional Guarantees in Pakistan: A Human Rights Perspective
288-299 |
Muhammad Hassan and Muhammad Abdullah Fazi |
Since 9/11, the legal problem posed by way of enforced disappearances in Pakistan have attracted the scores of legal scholars and authors to critically review the state practice in the light of domestic and international legal discourse. The analysis of Pakistan’s international obligations towards security of a person and safeguards to arrest is further complicated as the country being a front-line ally of “war on terror” has indulged in a state of armed conflict and, thus, IHL provisions are also triggered. This study, however, focuses on the law i.e. the Constitutional guarantees, penal code, and the state’s responsibilities towards international human rights statutes on which Pakistan is a party such as ICCPR and UDHR in particular. Despite of debates on the type of conflict occurring in a state of war or in times of peace, the majority view holds that the fundamental human rights apply on all times, thus, under this view, Pakistan is obliged to guarantee all the protections against enforced disappearance and human rights in general at all times.
Keywords: Enforced Disappearance, Due Process of Law, Fundamental Rights, Constitution of Pakistan.
Value Orientation and Peaceful Interpersonal Relationship among Students in Calabar Education Zone of Cross River State, Nigeria
300-308 |
Obot Imo Martin, Sunday Maria Ofie, Odey Clarence Odey and Ogodo Francis Agwanyang |
This study was on value orientation, interpersonal relationship and virtue based learning among students in Calabar Education Zone of Cross River State, Nigeria. The study adopted a causal comparative design. Two research questions and corresponding research hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. The sample consisted of nine hundred and fifty-seven (957) students drawn with multi-stage sampling procedure. Instrument used for data collection was Value Orientation Scale and Interpersonal Relationship Questionnaire (VOSAIRQ) which was validated by three experts in Educational Psychology, Philosophy of Education and Measurement and Evaluation respectively. Internal consistency was determined using Cronbach Alpha with correlation coefficient ranging from 0.6 to 0.86. The data gathered were analyzed using one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). The result indicted positive significant influences of all the value orientation and interpersonal variables on virtue based learning. It was concluded that values orientation, interpersonal relationship influence virtue based learning among students. Recommendations were given. These included: The need for the efforts of teachers, psychologists and guidance counselors to address the problems of pupils’ value orientation, interpersonal relationship and virtue learning.
Keyword:Values, Peaceful Relationship, Philosophy and Education
Peer Group and Career Aspiration of Secondary School Students in Northern Education Zone of Cross River State, Nigeria: Philosophical Contributions
309-318 |
Imo M. Obot, Melvina N. Amalu, Justine B. Apebende and Francis Agwanyang Ogodo |
The study was on influence of peer group on Career Aspiration among secondary school students. Research question and research hypothesis were formulated. Descriptive survey design was employed. Stratified random and purposive sampling techniques were used to obtain a sample of 960 SS3 students from 30 public secondary schools in study area. Data was collected using an instrument designed by the researchers. The research hypothesis after analysis was tested using contingency Chi-Square at 0 .05 level of significance. The findings revealed a calculated X2-value of 88.55 greater than a critical X2-value of 31.41 confirming peer group influence on career aspirations of learners at a significant level. Philosophical principles were articulated as intervention possibilities with conclusions and recommendations.
Keywords: Peer Group, Career Aspriration, Educational Freedom, Philosophy.
Onboarding – The Strategic Tool of Corporate Governance for Organizational Growth |
319-326 |
Waqar Badshah and Mehmet Bulut |
Onboarding is the management of the early stages of a relationship between an organization and a new employee and it is considered as one of the primitive and vital tools of corporate governance. If in the past it was not given much importance, at present require forward-thinking organizations. A well-designed onboarding process is related with a good work performance due to a higher job satisfaction. Effective onboarding represents the key success of an organization, so to ensure organizational growth, talent management must address of two main issues: to find qualified candidates and employee retention. The aim of the paper is to understand that the bond between a well-designed onboarding process and employee retention can assure the success of the organization.
Keywords: onboarding, human resource, talent management, organizational growth, corporate governance.
The Influence of In-Store Atmospherics on Comfort of Fashion Consumers: Evidence from Pakistan’s Fashion Retailer |
327-337 |
Khadija Hassan and Asma Khan |
This paper aims to study the Pakistani fashion consumers within a given retail environment. It focuses on four in store atmospheric elements namely color, scent, music and layout which are believed to have an influence on consumer comfort. Furthermore, this paper aims to verify the hypothetical relationships between the antecedents of comfort and assesses the significance of consumer comfort in the indigenous retail perspective. The focus of this research study is on the western fashion apparel brands of Pakistan which have physical retail presence. Since generally the major cities are the first to experience a rise in new retail formats, therefore the analysis of this study is limited to urban cities of Pakistan. The sampling technique used was Convenience sampling. A structured questionnaire was used to collect data from 500 adult shoppers using shop intercept method in Lahore. Lahore is the second largest city of Pakistan with a population of more than 9 million. The findings showed that the color and scent have no influence on consumer comfort while music and layout have a positive effect on the consumer comfort. This research is of importance to the store managers that sell western apparel products as it highlights the importance of music and good layout within the physical retail space. It also allows the retail brands to create an interactive and immersive microenvironment, breaking free from the standard designs. It also guides the academicians since there is limited research available on this subject in Pakistan.
Keywords: Consumer comfort, in store atmospherics, Retail atmosphere, Physical retail store
Cyber Harassment, Cyber Denigration and Social Adjustment among Secondary School Students in Calabar Education Zone, Cross River State, Nigeria |
338-344 |
Denwigwe, C.P., Uche, R.D., Asuquo, P.N., and Ngbar, M.W. |
The study investigated cyber harassment, cyber denigration and social adjustment among secondary school students in Calabar Education Zone of Cross River State, Nigeria. To achieve the purpose of this study which was to find out the influence of cyber harassment and cyber denigration on social adjustment of secondary school 1 (SS1) students, two hypotheses were formulated. The ex-post facto research design was adopted for this study. The population of the study comprised 8,829 public secondary school students. Purposive sampling technique was used to select 530 students for the study. Cyber bullying Assessment Questionnaire (CAQ), designed by the researchers was used to elicit responses for the study. It was constructed on a four-point Likert scale of strongly agreed, agreed, disagreed and strongly disagreed. The reliability coefficient of the instrument which was found using Cronbach Alpha Reliability method was between 0.71 and 0.79. One-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was used as the statistical tool for data analysis. The two hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance. The findings of the study revealed that cyber harassment and cyber denigration have negative influence on the social adjustment of secondary school students in Calabar Education Zone of Cross River State, Nigeria. It was therefore recommended that government should formulate policies that would effectively assist in the eradication of harmful online communications. Social Welfare Agencies should device means of implementing and consolidating effective cyber frame works that will protect students from being harassed, and Guidance Counsellors should counsel students against cyber-crimes.
Keywords: Cyber, Harassment, Denigration, Social, Adjustment, Students.